
Research stays of Ukrainian scientists in Vienna

Research stays of Ukrainian scientists in Vienna 

February / March 2020

Researchers from the Lviv Polytechnic National University worked on their respective research topics at the TU Vienna on their respective research topics. They were supported by TU Vienna colleagues and, if necessary connected also with local institutions and persons in the sense of their research topic. In the academic year 2019/20 three colleagues initiated a corresponding research stay: 
Due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, all 3 colleagues had to prematurely terminate their research stays at the TU Vienna. 

Solomiya Konyk:
Research topic: "The concept of density in urban planning".

Bohdan Cherkes: 
Research topic: "Transformations of city centers in Central Europe".

Andriy Stendera:
Research topic: "High-rise concepts in historical urban structures".

Reports to the research-stays below. 


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